Images of 'rivers of blood' in Dhaka on Eid Al Adha go viral!

Images of 'rivers of blood' in Dhaka on Eid Al Adha go viral!

 World News: Images of 'rivers of blood' in Dhaka on Eid Al Adha go viral! World News: Images of 'rivers of blood' in Dhaka on Eid Al Adha go viral! World News: Images of 'rivers of blood' in Dhaka on Eid Al Adha go viral! World News: Images of 'rivers of blood' in Dhaka on Eid Al Adha go viral! World News: Images of 'rivers of blood' in Dhaka on Eid Al Adha go viral! World News: Images of 'rivers of blood' in Dhaka on Eid Al Adha go viral!
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Animal sacrifices marking Eid Al Adha combined with heavy rains transformed the streets of Dhaka into rivers of blood.

The capital city’s two corporations had designated locations to slaughter animals, the locations were not used due to heavy downpour from the night before. People sacrificed their animals in their garages, alleys or streets resulting in what looked like rivers of blood.

Poor drainage in the city is nothing new but the problem was never illustrated as vividly as it was on Tuesday, after thousands of sheep, goats and cows were slaughtered and the blood flowed into the streets turning them red.

Twitter user Edward Rees tweeted images of the floods, and the tweet swiftly went viral with more than 2,700 retweets.

Muslims traditionally mark Eid Al Adha, or the Feast of Sacrifice, by slaughtering livestock.
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