High returns lure many into cardamom farming

High returns lure many into cardamom farming

Sep 25, 2016- High prices and strong export demand have attracted farmers of Sindhupalchowk district towards large cardamom farming.

The farming in the district covers 133 hectares. It produced 38.5 tonnes of large cardamom last fiscal year, earning Rs90 million in revenues, according to the District Agriculture Office.

“A kilo of large cardamom fetches Rs2,200 to Rs2,500,” said Navaraj Thapa, technical officer at the office, adding the office has developed five nurseries to facilitate the farmers.

Commercial large cardamom cultivation has thrived in a number of villages like Chokati, Attarpur, Bhotechour and Helambu. Farmers are provided Rs2.50 as a subsidy on each sapling. A large cardamom sapling costs Rs7-10. The agriculture office has also arranged transportation facilities to supply saplings to the farmers through cooperatives.

Last fiscal year, more than 500,000 saplings were distributed, of which the office contributed 185,000 units. More than 350 households are engaged in commercial farming of large cardamom. According to government officials, large cardamom yields 20 times more profit than paddy. Nearly 90 percent of the large cardamom grown in Nepal is exported to India. From India, the spice is re-exported to Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Gulf countries and other overseas destinations.

The high-value cash crop is produced mainly in the eastern hills in Nepal. Outside Nepal, the spice is grown only in Sikkim and Darjeeling in India, and Bhutan. Large cardamom was introduced into Ilam from Sikkim in 1865.

Nepal is the largest producer of large cardamom, accounting for 68 percent of the international market. It is followed by India and Bhutan.

Ilam, Panchthar, Taplejung, Sankhuwasabha, Terhathum, Bhojpur and Dhankuta districts are the major large cardamom producing areas in Nepal. Cultivation of the spice has now spread to more than 38 districts. Taplejung is the top producer with an annual output of 2,400 tonnes worth Rs6 billion.

Large cardamom is one of the major contributors to Nepal’s foreign exchange earnings. According to government statistics, Nepal exported large cardamom valued at Rs4.61 billion in the last fiscal year. In the previous fiscal year 2014-15, the exports totalled Rs3.83 billion.

Published: 25-09-2016 08:56

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