Gowdy Destroys Hillary’s ‘Triggerman’ After He Tries To Get Out Of Answering Questions

Gowdy Destroys Hillary’s ‘Triggerman’ After He Tries To Get Out Of Answering Questions 

According to reports, Hillary hired State Department IT specialist Brian Pagliano to delete her emails using Bleachbit after people first started looking for information.

Bleachbit is a program that makes it impossible to recover emails. Of course, the state department ended up giving Pagliano immunity. Some claimed it was like “robbing a bank and giving immunity to the triggerman.”

However, Gowdy was ultimately able to use this to his advantage of Pagliano tried to get out of going to court. He attempted to plead the 5th, but was then reminded he can’t plead because he can’t be incriminating.

Gowdy also criticized Steven Lynch for allowing Pagliano to plead the 5th, even though it is unconstitutional in this situation.

“It puts him in jeopardy coming before this committee while that criminal referral is in existence,” Gowdy commented. “He’s an American citizen. I know the Constitution gets in the way of this committee sometimes.”

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