The brand that you are

The question no longer is ‘if’ you have a personal brand, but whether you choose to cultivate it

Sep 5, 2016- If once branding was strictly considered a realm for companies and their products, today’s digital world of Facebook, Instagram and LinkdIn means that almost every individual also has a personal brand, whether they want it or not. In fact, a vast majority of the people didn’t even cultivate their brand for themselves, but the digital footprints that we leave behind often end up defining what the your brand image looks like in the vast, uncharted world of cyberspace. Make no mistake about it, in today’s world; it is highly likely that every potential employer, business partner or collaborator has already ‘Googled’ you before they meet you. They have looked through your pictures, your likes and dislikes and the links that you have shared, to understand you better as a person. The question no longer is ‘if’ you have a personal brand, but whether you choose to cultivate it so that it projects the image that you would like to see projected. Here are some ways to start building a unique and sellable brand for yourself.

Think brands

All of us have certain images or profiles of ourselves that we would like to project out into the world. What do you wish people to associate you with? Do you have a specific area of interest in which you would want to become an expert? In order to create your own brand, you need to be clear on what defines you and what your most unique selling points are. Once you have done this, you can channel your energies into making sure that image is being projected. Not to say that you are conjuring up a phony profile for yourself, to the contrary it is best when you remain open, honest and true to your abilities. It is of little wonder that people like Rajesh Hamal, Rabindra Mishra and Rishi Dhamala have become such recognisable figures because they continually project their brands to the world.

Continually moderate your online persona

You can’t mold perception without first understanding the current status. In other words, Google yourself and set up alerts for your name on a regular basis. If you have a fairly common name, consider using your middle initial or middle name to differentiate yourself from the rest. Cultivating a strong personal brand is just as much about being responsive to what is being said as it is about creating intellectual property.

Get a personal website

Having a personal website for yourself is one of the best ways to rank for your name on the search engines. It doesn’t need to be a complicated, multi-faceted website; it can be a simple two page site with your resume, link to your social platforms, and a brief bio. You can always expand on the website with time, but it is important that you secure a webpage name while it is still up for grabs.

Produce value

How often do you see stories on your Facebook feed and wonder why people are even sharing such stories. While it social networks do have space for fun and games, it is important that you curate your content in such a way that you add value to the lives of the people who will see it. It is one sure way of keeping people tuned into what you are saying, and further expanding your network.

Share purposefully

Every picture your upload, every Facebook status you bellow out, every tweet you send, end up becoming part of your personal brand and core message. It is important for your brand that you remain coherent with the message you put out. Once you truly understand how you wish your brand to be perceived, become more strategic about what you share online by weighing if it takes your message and your brand further or not.

Birds of a feather

In today’s complexly networked world, who you associate with greatly affects the strength or weakness of your brand. It is always great for your personal brand if you associate with other strong, like-minded brands. You should always been on the lookout for and leverage strong brands which will elevate your own personal brand. Start with the basics. Which school did you attend?

Are there groups you can join?

A newsletter you can contribute to? What hidden opportunities are available within your company which you have yet to tap? By starting with basic groups that you are already a part of, you can slowly branch out to a wider audience and networks.

Keep growing

A strong personal brand hinges on a strong narrative. In other words, what’s your story? Take a second to think of celebrities you know who have a strong personal brand. They are all have a very clear story and a consistent brand. If you have multiple passions or areas of interest, a narrative becomes even more crucial so there can be unified theme. But it is also important that you continually grow and evolve as a person or a brand. If you are the same brand that you were 10 years ago, you are not getting very far are you? In order to have a brand that is powerful and eye-catching, it is essential that you continue to add value to it, just like any other company would with their products.

Now that you know the basics of managing your personal brand, go out there and curate it. The digital footprints that you choose (or not to) leave behind, will play a vital role in all your future endeavours.
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