Michael Moore Admits Defeat, Lists 5 Reasons Why Trump is Guaranteed To Win COMMENTS

Michael Moore Admits Defeat, Lists 5 Reasons Why Trump is Guaranteed To Win

Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump has strategically attacked the states of Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Trump will scope in on the fact that Hillary’s support of NAFTA assisted in demolishing the industrial states of the upper mid-west. According to Moore, “Trump is going to hammer Clinton on this and her support of TPP and other trade policies that have royally screwed the people of these four states.” Although these states are traditionally Democratic they have voted for a Republican governor since 2010. Moore also stated,” When Trump stood in the shadow of a Ford Motor factory during the Michigan primary, he threatened the corporation that if they did indeed go ahead with their planned closure of that factory and move it to Mexico, he would slap a 35% tariff on any Mexican-built cars shipped back to the United States. It was sweet, sweet music to the ears of the working class of Michigan, and when he tossed in his threat to Apple that he would force them to stop making their iPhones in China and build them here in America, well, hearts swooned and Trump walked away with a big victory that should have gone to the governor next-door, John Kasich.”

Moore went as far as comparing this area to the middle of England and not in a good way. He stated that what happened in Brexit was going to happen here. Trump realized he doesn’t need Florida, nor Colorado or Virginia. If he maintains the votes of traditional Red states from Idaho to Georgia which he will do, all he truly needs are those four states. That according to Moore, will put Mr.Trump on top. With these four Trump all but guarantees his victory. This is what will eventually happen in November.
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