Hillary Furious After Judge Jeanine Verbally DESTROYS Her Live On The Air [VIDEO]

Hillary Furious After Judge Jeanine Verbally DESTROYS Her Live On The Air [VIDEO]

Judge Jeanine Pirro had a controversial opening for her show strategically planned out when Hillary Clinton delivered her now infamous “basket of deplorables” speech.

In her speech, Hillary called half of Trump supporters racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and Islamophobic. Later, Hillary corrected apologized for saying “half,” but did not take back her comments.

Outspoken Judge Pirro had some words for her.

“Hillary, you bow to and take money from countries who throw gays off buildings,” Pirro commented. “You take money for your so-called charity from countries that don’t allow women to drive, a so-called feminist who support countries that force women to cover every part of their bodies but their eyeballs, and you want to call us all Islamophobes?

But that wasn’t all Pirro had to say.

“Hillary, you are a liar, and a pathological one at that,” Pirro concluded. “You’re a cheat. You’re dishonest. You are condescending. You are arrogant, contemptuous, and if you think that your half-assed apology will wipe the slate clean you are wrong.”

Watch Pirro’s full segment below and tell us what you think. Does Hillary Clinton need to be kept far away from the White House?

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