Clinton Administration Goes After Kimberly Guilfoyle And Trump Go Deep Exposing This About Hillary

Clinton Administration Goes After Kimberly Guilfoyle And Trump Go Deep Exposing This About Hillary

The American people have seen enough evidence to understand the severity of Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s email crimes. It’s apparent that her use of a private email server was intended to hide the criminal transactions he was allegedly doing on the side.

One report noted that Hillary was using the Clinton Foundation in a pay-to-play scheme. It is believed that wealthy, shady foreigners would donate to her “non-profit” in exchange for access to Hillary in her official capacity as Secretary of State.

If that is true, Hillary quite literally sold out the United States to terrorists and terrorism-affiliated foreigners for her own profit.

Donald Trump is not ready to let her off the hook for her actions. In a recent interview with The Five co-host Kimberly Guilfoyle, the pair discussed important new information about the former Secretary of State.

“I hear the NSA maybe has the emails,” Trump explained. “A lot of people say the NSA would have the emails if they really wanted to get them…Maybe somebody should, in fact, ask the NSA whether or not they have the emails.”

What do you think of Trump’s comments? Watch the video below and share your thoughts with us.
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