Hundreds Of Secret FEMA Death Camps Exposed, Already At A Location Near You…

Hundreds Of Secret FEMA Death Camps Exposed, Already At A Location Near You…

According to recent reports, President Obama has started to advance his agenda through the use of FEMA camps.

We already know that Obama has done what he can to attempt to disarm the American public, and as of recent, he has been openly discussing his proposal of “prolonged detention.” The proposal would allow him to incarcerate anyone that he views as a threat to American—and you don’t even need to have committed a crime.

Obama claims that the proposal is designed for Guantanamo Bay prisoners who are too dangerous to release. It is only as a side note that he mentions that anyone who is captured preemptively would be housed in the same facility.

And it looks like Obama intends to house these people in FEMA camps. According to reports, the president has ordered the secret construction of FEMA camps all over the country. The facilities reportedly have several layers of fencing with barbed wire, similar to a prison, along with numerous other security measures.

And reports indicate that these camps are popping up all over the nation in highly unusual places—like abandoned train yards, for instance.

What do you think of Obama’s plans? Is he once again attempting to mask his true intentions?
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