G.W. Bush Drops Bombshell In For All America To See About Spoiled NFL Players Protesting On

G.W. Bush Drops Bombshell In For All America To See About Spoiled NFL Players Protesting On 

In the past month, we’ve seen many American athletes banding together to protest against the National Anthem.

For anyone who understands the true value of this tradition, this is a pathetic display—and frankly, one we’re tired of hearing about. That’s why patriots everywhere were thrilled when President George W. Bush took a stand in the classiest way possible.

When President Bush stepped out onto the field in Dallas in the coin toss before the Cowboys and the New York Giants, he was accompanied by his wife lady Laura Bush. It had been exactly 15 years since Americans lost their lives in 9/11, and the former first couple was also joined by two first responders from the day.

Fox News posted photos of the coin toss, claiming that President Bush “deliver[ed] a message t o fans at AT&T Stadium as first responders unfurl[ed] a flag over the field.

Here’s what the former President had to say:

Honored to be with David Norman and Robert Zajac of the New York Police Department today, first responders at Ground Zero fifteen years ago.

For many of us, today may feel like any Football Sunday in America. For David, Robert, first responders, and those who lost loved ones on 9/11, the memories of that dark day are fresh – and so is the pain.

Laura and I hold the victims of 9/11 and their families in our hearts, and on this anniversary, we lift them up in our prayers. May God bless all who mourn, and may He continue to bless and watch over our great land.

Laura Bush also honored the first responders in a heartfelt message on her Facebook page.
What do you think? Do you miss the Bush family?
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